Lucky Strike 1

Year: 1987
Medium: Silkscreen on paper
Size: 11 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Edition: of 30

Lucky Strike 1 is a 1987 silkscreen on paper by Keith Haring. The title of the artwork, “Lucky Strike,” refers to the popular cigarette brand which commissioned Haring to create a portfolio of nine advertisements posters. Haring did incorporate a tenth poster, a skeleton smoking a cigarette, as an audacious clip at the habit; needless to say, the company was not pleased.

Lucky Strike 1’s composition features Haring’s signature use of bold black outlines and vibrant colors, with gestural indications fueling the character’s sense of energy and movement. The central subject is a striking image of a human figure smoking a cigarette, which emits a whimsical line of smoke leading to the brand name, looming over the figure’s head like a thought bubble in a comic. The character is styled fashionably while appearing otherworldly and sports evocative, even phallic details that are comparable with the sensual energy that Haring brings to his other works. Lucky Strike 1 is a testament to Haring’s ability to influence the commercial market while staying true to his own style and personal convictions.

See also: Lucky Strike 2, Lucky Strike 3, Lucky Strike 4and Lucky Strike 5.

Do you have a Keith Haring Lucky Strike for sale? Get in touch with us for a quick offer!

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