Lucky Strike 2

Year: 1987
Medium: Silkscreen on paper
Size: 11 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Edition: of 30

Lucky Strike 2 is a 1987 silkscreen on paper by Keith Haring. The work stems from an advertisement commission from Lucky Strike Cigarettes, for which Haring did nine posters, and an additional tenth of his own volition that featured a skeleton smoking a cigarette… and offended the brand. Lucky Strike 2’s composition features Haring’s trademark bold, simple lines with a hint of cartoonish whimsy. Brightened by a bright blue background, the lucky pack sprouts cigarettes, reminiscent of flower stems quickly outgrowing their pot, indicated by gestural markings that infuse the cigs with a sense of movement.

In Lucky Strike 2, a hand lifts the primo pack, elevating it to the status of an idol, a religious and cultural icon of its time, worshiped devoutly by all who would see this playful poster and walk into their nearest convenience store to purchase a pack of relaxation in the form of Lucky Strike cigarettes.

See also: Lucky Strike 1, Lucky Strike 3, Lucky Strike 4and Lucky Strike 5.

Do you have a Keith Haring Lucky Strike for sale? Get in touch with us for a quick offer!

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